Türkistan Karavansaray
Kazakhstan / Turkistan
Türkistan Karavansaray
ervansaray Complex Project is located in Turkistan city of Kazakhstan, one of the ancient cities of the Turkic World.
Plan setup in which closed, semi-open, open spaces are arranged on a street and terminated with the city square; It is an inspiring concept that respects the richness of local culture and contributes to the existing richness with today’s architectural understanding, building a “bridge from the past to the future”.
Kervansaray Project, which has a land area of 206.800 m²; It is a multi-functional building / complex with 62.100 m² closed area, 18.600 m² landscaping and 11.900 m² biological lake area.
The complex; With the harbor area, amphitheater, shopping areas, 2 hotels, spa, cinema, Interactive Flying Theater, family entertainment center, bedesten, market place, cafes, restaurants, walking paths and pond-canals; It is aimed to be a socio-cultural center of attraction with sound / light shows and shows.